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Youth Volunteers Trained; Doctors, Psychosocial Counsellors Needed for Survivors

Youth Volunteers Trained; Doctors, Psychosocial Counsellors Needed for Survivors


Youth Volunteers Trained; Doctors, Psychosocial Counsellors Needed for Survivors

calendar_today 08 January 2013

Typhoon Bopha/Pablo Situation Report (08 January): Youth volunteers trained; doctors, psychosocial counsellors needed for survivors

Youth volunteers from the municipalities of Compostela, Monkayo, Montevista and New Bataan in Compostela Valley have been trained on Adolescent Sexual Health and Rights in Emergencies (ASHRiE) in preparation for youth organizing in affected communities.

The regional gender-based violence sub-cluster meeting mapped out existing GBV services identified gaps in addressing the needs of women and girls. The sub-cluster also established operational standards for the setting up of women friendly spaces.

More doctors, midwives and nurses are needed to provide pre/post-natal care to pregnant and breastfeeding women in the typhoon-affected communities. Continuous supply of dignity kits for these women is also required, as well as hygiene kits for girls and women of reproductive age in general. Separate toilets and bathing facilities for males and females and psychosocial counselling are also identified as urgent needs.