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Request for Quotation: Firm on Results-based Management, Theory of Change, and Gender Transformative Programming to Support the Development of UNFPA’s 9th Country Programme of Assistance to the Philippines

Request for Quotation: Firm on Results-based Management, Theory of Change, and Gender Transformative Programming to Support the Development of UNFPA’s 9th Country Programme of Assistance to the Philippines


UNFPA Philippines is requesting for quotations for a consulting firm that will support the UNFPA Philippines Country Office in the development of a Theory of Change and Results Framework, as integral parts of the 9th UNFPA Country Programme 2024-2028.

More specifically, the Consulting Firm will:

1. Design and facilitate a training-workshop for UNFPA staff on Results-based Management (RBM) and Theory of Change (TOC) concepts and methodologies and will specifically ensure that Gender Transformative Programming principles and practical tools for their application are integrated into the training design.

2. Building staff’s technical knowledge and skills on fundamental principles and concepts of TOC and Results-based Management (RBM). The training is envisioned to develop a clear understanding among staff on the Theory of Change pathway as a strategic tool for planning and the RBM, as an approach to track and assess performance. The Consulting Firm will work closely with the CO’s Gender expert to integrate gender transformative programming (GTP) in this training in alignment with the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-2025;

3. The practical application of these RBM principles and concepts, employing a learning by-doing approach, in the development of a robust TOC and Results Framework for the 9th UNFPA Country Programme 2024-2028, which will help guide the formulation of a sound evidence-based program strategy with assumptions and risks clearly analyzed and spelled out.

4. Design and facilitate a consultation workshop with key partners and actors to recall the TOC and RBM concepts and methodologies, support the CO in presenting and validating the draft TOC and RBM frameworks developed by UNFPA to obtain inputs and build ownership of the 9th CP by national counterparts.

You can access the documents and the submission page through this link.

Upon clicking the “Express Interest” button, you will be directed to a log-in page. Please register a new UNGM account through your company.

For more information, contact our procurement team: machanidis@unfpa.org.