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Call for Proposals: Implementing Partner/s for the Three Outcomes of the BABAE Project

Call for Proposals: Implementing Partner/s for the Three Outcomes of the BABAE Project


Project Description

UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of the Project for the Protection and Empowerment of  Women for Addressing Women's Health Needs and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Philippines to support the achievement of project-specific objectives, as well as results outlined in the 9th Country Programme of the Philippines 2024-2028

Expected Results
We are seeking for the support of qualified civil society organizations in achieving the following objectives:

Outcome 1: Women and girls in the Bangsamoro have the agency and capacity to independently make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, actively engage in the economic life of their communities, and contribute to community resilience by monitoring and responding to early warning signs as EWER monitors, enhancing preparedness for emergencies.

Outcome 2: Quality and acceptable Sexual Reproductive Health and social protection services for women and girls in the Bangsamoro communities are available and accessible.

Outcome 3: Local governments are capacitated to contextualize, plan, ensure adequate budget allocation, and operationalize SRHR and GBV policies and programmes responsive to the humanitarian and development context.

Applicants may send a proposal to one or more outcomes.

How to apply
Applicants may send their proposals using the template to phl.co@unfpa.org. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email or mail clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals” at the following address:

  • Attention: Mindanao
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Philippines
  • 15/F North Tower, Rockwell Sheridan Business Center Sheridan corner United Streets, Highway Hills, 1550 Mandaluyong City, Philippines
  • email: phl.co@unfpa.org.

Alternatively, interested organizations can find the call for proposals on the UN Partner Portal under 'Partnership Opportunities’.

Application Deadline
The deadline for submissions is on 31  March, 2025. Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.

Any requests for additional information must be addressed in writing by 24 March 2025 at the latest to Ms. Rochelle Angela Yu, email: royu@unfpa.org. UNFPA will post responses to queries or clarification requests by any NGO applicants who submitted, on UNFPA Philippines’ Facebook page before the deadline for submission.

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