Project Description
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the building of champions from parents/families, community-based organizations, religious and traditional leaders, men/boys for social norm change to lead community mobilization activities for social norm change.
The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Philippines to support the achievement of Output 1 Objectives as outlined in the 9th Country Programme of the Philippines 2024-2028.
In 2024, UNFPA collaborated with the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) in developing the National Action Plan to End Violence Against Women (NAP-EVAW) 2025-2030. During consultations for the NAP-EVAW, a significant gap was identified in GBV prevention, which has historically been the weakest pillar of previous strategic plans. To address this gap, UNFPA has initiated studies to generate evidence and enhance knowledge on the drivers of harmful gender and social norms that sustain GBV. Findings from these studies highlight that communities play a crucial role in shaping and changing social norms. Engaging women, girls, men, boys, parents, and families in a structured and strategic manner can foster inclusive, community-driven solutions. This requires an approach that ensures accountability to women and girls, with clear mechanisms for their leadership and participation.
Expected Results
We seek the support of qualified non-government/ civil society organizations to achieve the following objectives:
- Enhanced training modules for community mobilization
- Strengthened and harmonized training materials tailored for different community groups while ensuring alignment knowledge and skills to actively monitor, prevent and respond to GBV in the community.
- Capacity building and engagement of CBOs
- Effective training and empowerment of the following groups:
- Women and youth-led organizations : Strengthened leadership and advocacy skills to promote gender-equitable norms.
- Men and boys : Increased awareness, commitment, and proactive engagement in preventing GBV and fostering positive masculinities.
- Parents and families : Enhanced knowledge and support systems to create safe, gender-equitable environments at home and in the community.
How to apply
Interested organizations can find the call for proposal on the UN Partner Portal under 'Partnership Opportunities’.
Alternatively, organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals may send their submission through email or mail clearly marked “Invitation for Proposals for Community Mobilization for Social Norm Change” at the following address: UNFPA Philippines mailing address:
Proposal Format
Interested and qualified organizations/agencies need to submit the following documents using the Proposal Format prescribed in the Invitation for Proposals:
- Agency/ Organizational Identification
- Overview of the Organization
- Proposal Overview
- Proposed interventions and activities to achieve intended results
- Program Risk and Monitoring
- A detailed financial proposal based on the proposed deliverables
Application Deadline
The deadline for submissions is on 02 April 2025, 17:00. Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.
Any requests for additional information must be addressed in writing by one week before 02 April 2025 at the latest to UNFPA will post responses to queries or clarification requests by any NGO applicants who submitted before the deadline for submission of applications.
UNFPA shall notify applying organizations whether it is considered for further action.
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