Typhoon Bopha/Pablo Situation Report (31 December 2012): More partners provide support to RH missions
The Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS), through the Davao Medical Society, is providing support to the provincial and municipal health offices in the typhoon-affected areas to provide reproductive health care to the affected population in Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental.
In partnership with provincial and municipal health offices and the Family Planning Organization of Philippines, a reproductive health medical mission was conducted in Compostela Valley on December 28. In the municipality of Compostela, the mission served 79 pregnant and 71 breastfeeding women, providing them with pre- and post-natal care, health information sessions and hygiene kits. In addition, 249 women of reproductive age received hygiene kits and attended health information sessions. In Monkayo, the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS), through the Davao Medical Society, helped the mission serve 55 pregnant and 65 lactating women.
Information sessions on ASRH were conducted in the Municipality of Boston, Davao Oriental, through Save the Children, benefitting 913 girls and 881 boys. This was conducted through 11 trained local youth volunteers, in coordination with the local government.
Save the Children also conducted preliminary assessments of evacuation centres and affected communities in Boston and Cateel using the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and MIRA. Results are currently being consolidated.